Enable Enterprises



     With a mission that focuses on ABILITY not DISABILITY, Enable Enterprises is designed to assist the disabled community in several key areas that can lead to long term financial independence.

     It is well known that the best solution to financial difficulty is a job.  Our online job training and educational workshops are designed to give the job seeker the tools they will need to get a job and keep a job.

     Our website, www.enableny.com, is the place to go for help with resume building, interview skills, career building exercises, and career guidance.

     We are currently in the planning stages of building the Enable Career Prep institute.  This will be the first completely online school specifically designed for people with disabilities.  Those who graduate receive a certificate that is recognized by New York State and thus, potential employers.

    For those who might not be ready for full-time employment or who might need to stop working due to their disability, Enable and enableny.com can help you obtain your Social Security Disability benefits.

     The rejection rates for new disability claims is over ninety percent.  Enable and our non-attorney representatives have an amazing ninety five percent success rate with first time claims.  In addition, our company has the ability to handle the appeal process of rejected claims.  In most cases, an attorney is not needed to handle these benefit claims.  This allows the beneficiary to keep more of their money and improve their quality of life.