Resource And Referrals For Seniors---New Jersey




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Lakewood, New Jersey

When reaching retirement age, one is often faced with many important decisions and choices, requiring decisions about Social Security, Medicare, Home Care, and many other questions. To help seniors and their families navigate the road ahead of them, Agudas Yisroel’s New Jersey office is launching a new division: Zahav, a resource and referral center for Lakewood seniors and their families.

Questions that the Zahav team are expecting will include ones about finding local help for seniors, finding guidance for legal and medical planning, and information about government resources to pay towards healthcare costs. Others will want to know about financial planning questions, such as trusts and wills, or Medicaid. Zahav aims to help seniors and their families, answer their questions, and guide them to ensure they are equipped with all the necessary information they need to access life-enhancing services and programs.

They have published an  easy-to-read guidebook, which contains information on various programs and services which many people may not even be aware exist. It is available free by calling Zahav or visiting Agudah's New Jersey office at  at 1999 Cedar Bridge Ave Suite 3A, Lakewood, New Jersey.