Early Intervention in Bet Shemesh

Ligdol V'Lifroach


From their website:

Ligdol V’Lifroach Child and Family Services (LVL) was established to provide the opportunity for all children of the greater Bet Shemesh area to receive quality therapeutic and educational enrichment services, regardless of their ability to pay.

In Hebrew, Ligdol V’Lifroach means "to grow and to flourish", and at LVL, children with varying levels of developmental challenges find a warm, nurturing environment where they are encouraged to reach their potential.
LVL's professional staff and innovative programs allow children with varying developmental needs to overcome their challenges and thrive. The developmental challenges our children face vary from autism, down’s syndrome and cerebral palsy as well as milder challenges such as language delays, sensory processing disorders and handwriting difficulties.   ...

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Ligdol V'Lifroach and Mercaz Rakefet are conveniently located at:

6 Sderot Tzeelim
Medical center building, under Kupat Holim Clalit,
Ramat Bet Shemesh A
Telephone: 02 992-0947 or Fax to 02-992-0948