College Preparation for Students With Autism


USC Marshall - Preparing to Be Nerdy Where Nerdy Can Be Cool (article)

By Lars Perner, Ph.D. (diagnosed with Asperger's)

Author's Introduction:

For individuals on the autistic spectrum, college can be about as close as you can get to Heaven on Earth... But it is also a place that many raise some challenges that we should plan for.  In this article, I have attempted to offer some ideas based on both my experiences as a student and as a college professor...

Lars Perner, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Clinical Marketing
Department of Marketing
Marshall School of Business
University of Southern California
Los Angeles, CA 90089-0443
Phone: (213) 740-7127

Cell:  (760) 412-0154

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



List of Colleges Experienced in Serving Students on the Autism Spectrum

A list of colleges experienced in serving students on the autism spectrum - scroll down the page to read more about each.

"Navigating College" (book)


Recently released by the Autistic Self Advocacy Network, a 160-page online book (in pdf form) on going to college.

The link is

While it's written directly to the student with autism, much of it applies to any student with special needs; self-advocacy, responsibilities and rights, maturity, tips, and more.