December 12, 2019



Participants Needed For VCFS Psychosis Research Study

People with velo-cardio-facial syndrome (VCFS) psychosis are needed to provide blood samples to create the world’s largest VCFS biobank. Researchers at the Center for Precision Neuropsychiatry and the Virtual Center for Velo-Cardio-Facial Syndrome will study these samples to find out why people with VCFS often develop mental illness and how to better treat it. To participate, visit


Lack of Access At NYC Schools

Disability Rights Advocates (DRA) is investigating obstacles experienced by students and family members, who use mobility aids or have other disabilities, which prevent them from fully participating in New York City schools. The organization will work to find solutions to help make city schools more accessible, as required by law. For help email Rebecca Serbin, rserbin@


Disabled Travelers Survey 

Airbnb, which connects people who want to rent their homes with people who need accommodations, is conducting an online survey of people with disabilities to learn more about what is important to travelers with disabilities. The survey is available at


Online OT Pediatric Vision Loss Course

Lighthouse Guild, in partnership with the American Occupational Therapy Association, is offering a 90-minute online program for occupational therapists (OT) entitled “The Impact of Visual Issues on Child Development.” It provides an overview of the visual system and describes the varied impact of visual impairment on children’s achievement of developmental milestones and their function in daily activities. It also provides tools and strategies for OTs to develop therapeutic interventions for children. For information, visit



Funding For Blind & Visually Impaired Children

Ofek Liyeladeinu  has announced that The Erwin Friedel Foundation of Austria will be providing funding for children with vision impairments or blindness through the Ministry of Employment and Social Services.

Funding will be given for children up until age 18 (in special circumstances, up until age 21) for the purpose of purchasing rehabilitative equipment, equipment for leisure time, etc. You must submit the following:

  • The application located online at
  • A letter from a vision expert (teacher) describing the requested item and how it can help your child’s rehabilitation process
  • An updated price quote for the desired product, with the name of the business, signature and stamp – or an original receipt.
  • ID card of one of the parents, including the attachment (sefach) with the child’s name
  • Updated medical document
  • Any other relevant updated document that can help your case (letter from your social worker, teudat iver, teudat neche [blindness/disability card], etc.)

Children with a teudah for vision impairment/blindness may be given precedence. Documents must be sent by Sunday, Dec. 22, to Dalit at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or faxed to: 02-6522614. You must call 050-527-0088 to make sure the documents have arrived.