January 21, 2016


Assistive Technology will be providing free technology advice and support for children and adults with communication, physical, visual, hearing, or learning challenges  at the Manhattan JCC on Amsterdam Avenue & 76th Street. They are also offering free assistive technology trainings by reservation for professionals, caregiver groups, schools, and organizations. They can address most any topic in the Assistive Technology field regarding hardware, software, apps, cloud-based solutions, Universal Design for Learning (UDL), or even implementation strategies and problem-solving for individual/group user needs. You can even e-mail or call with requests for particular topics, or for assistance to determine what your training needs are. For more information, contact Mark Surabian, Assistive Technology Consultant at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.,  917-586-8000.


Israeli Doctors Channel with Patients’ Rights Videos---Doctors Channel is a YouTube channel located at providing informative videos on a wide variety of common diseases and medical conditions, information about patients’ rights in the Israeli medical system and other vital information, directly from the experts. Many of these videos are accompanied by English subtitles (click the English tab on the channel’s homepage for instructions if the subtitles don’t appear automatically). It can be a very useful resource for understanding many aspects of medical treatment and the approaches of Israeli practitioners