Bituach Leumi And ADD/ADHD

The BL recognizes ADD/ADHD as a physical impairment, for all legal concerns, and in appropriate cases will provide significant financial aid to students with ADD/ADHD – aid which includes tuition, rent, allowance, transportation, private tutoring and more.  The rationality behind this recognition is the encouragement of young people with medical difficulties such as ADD/ADHD – to reach higher education, earn a degree/profession and integrate into the job market as independent citizens in the best way possible.

When determining the percentage of disability (nachut), the Bituach Leumi checks the full range of medical difficulties such as hearing impairments, orthopedic issues, emotional issues and more, and the youngster's nachut (disability) is determined in that way.  One who receives a 20% nachut at least –is eligible to request a rehabilitation basket.  In many cases, many youngsters and students are not aware of their rights or do not know the best way to go about receiving them.



It is important to fill out the proper forms in the correct and most comprehensive way, to emphasize what is important and to include all relevant medical files and diagnoses.  Filing the forms in the optimal way can significantly improve the student's chance to receive the financial aid.


It is very important to include a full diagnosis of the ADD/ADHD – a diagnosis given by a psychiatrist or neurologist specializing in ADD/ADHD, which spans a reasonable amount of time – 45-60 minutes at least.


After filing the claim, the student will be summoned to a medical committee. The committee is comprised of the medical experts relevant to the specific claim, a neurologist and/or a psychiatrist and/or another professional.


After about two weeks, the committee's ruling will be sent by mail, stating the percentage of nachut given.  This ruling should be looked over and, in some cases, can be appealed.


Why is it worthwhile to file a claim?  The rehabilitation basket for "low" handicaps includes:

A monthly stipend – 2200 nis per month is given during the school months and during exam breaks, to one who learns at least 20 hours per week.

Rent Refund – up to 1200 nis per month. If the student moved from his permanent address to another address closer to his place of study, and that the distance between them is 40 km at least.

Tuition Reimbursement – up to 13000 per year. Reimbursement for purchase of school supplies – up to 900 per year, for books and perishable school supplies

Tutoring--Amount determined according to hours and up until 25% of the frontal learning hours

Transportation--Based on prices of public transportation/km – the lowest of the two

Computer/Laptop--Given directly by the Bituach Leumi

Please note!

The rehabilitation basket can be given up until one year from the time the claim was filed.

This information was offered by Attorney Sigal Bauer-Dekel
Bituach Leumi and Personal Injuries
Financial Rights for Students With ADD/ADHD