Kimpatorin Aid


1324 50th Street

Brooklyn, New York

A Jewish organization providing emergency post-partum relief so new mothers can regain their health after bringing a new soul into the world. When needed, they provide assistance for kimaturin heim, household help, nutritious meals, nursing care, and other necessities during the first weeks after childbirth. They also provide assistance to woman with high risk pregnancies who are on bed rest.


N’shei Ahavas Chesed


718-438-0211, 718-377-5185, 718-998-7730

1549 46th Street

Brooklyn, New York


N’shei Ahavas Chesed is a Jewish volunteer based organization dedicated to helping their fellow Jews with any type of need. Their activities range from providing used clothing and furniture to free loans to help for mothers of multiples, the sick & homebound to gmachs.


Following is the contact information for assistance for mothers of multiples:


F. Stern                     718-438-9013