Running Away

What do you do when your child keeps running away or out of the house?

A few parents share their ideas and experience:

E. says:

There are devices you can put on the door so that it beeps or makes some sort of sound every time the door opens. It may be a bit annoying if there are a lot of people going in and out but at least then you can be 'notified' when your little one might be making a break for it!

Sorah Stein says:

Radio Shack sells an inexpensive alarm/chime that does this.  I know you can find them online too.

"C" adds:

A "shabbos" combination lock - even when it isn't locked you have to turn two handles at the same time, which is difficult for a kid, especially if one is placed higher up so harder for them to reach.

("Simplex" makes the best ones)

Sara writes:
There are wearable "search" buttons (note: there are a few listed on this site - Beineinu) so that you can locate the child as soon as s/he disappears. Some are local projects where the button notifies emergency dispachers where the child is (for more serious cases of a child missing) - but there are other "simple" ones where the child wears something that simply beeps as soon as you press your own remote control, so if they haven't gone too far you can find them.

Another thing for when you leave the house is a "leash" - not all parents are comfortable with that but mys on actually loves his.  It's shaped like a turtle, looks like a small knapsack on his back, and it just has this long piece that I can hold in my hand to give him the room to run but still be near me. I have yet to find those in Israel though.