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Find Injury Law




Find Injury Law is a Jewish organization that assists people who have suffered serious injuries find the law firm that is most suited to handle their particular type of case. It is well known that no two personal injury cases or medical malpractice cases are identical. Consequently, legal representation that is sufficient for one type of case may not be so for another type of case. They have researched many different law firms with regard to the specific types of sustained injuries, be it the result of accidents or from medical malpractice events including those occurring during the labor and delivery process which can result in Cerebral Palsy or other lifetime developmental limitations to the infant.

Their research extends to the dollar amount of the settlements and/or verdicts and the client satisfaction with their attorney's performance as well. The research is an ongoing process which allows them to refer clients to the law firms that have excelled in cases most similar to the facts of their very own case.


COPAA---Council of Parent Attorneys and Advocates 


An organization of lawyers, parents, advocates, and related professionals working to protect the legal and civil rights of students with disabilities and their families.

Parents who are looking to find a special education attorney, a special education advocate, or a related professional may look up referrals in the COPAA Member Directory.  This directory is to serve as a resource for members and the public to find attorneys, advocates and other professional who belong to COPAA and advocate on behalf of children with disabilities.

COPAA focuses on the rights of children who receive special education services and supports, and who are eligible to be served under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and other statutes. This includes working to ensure that children with disabilities receive a Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE). COPAA endeavors to improve the quality and quantity of legal assistance for parents of children with disabilities. COPAA does not represent individual parents but provides a network to assist, train, and inform advocates, attorneys, parents, and related professionals.

E.B. Shares: 

This is a terrific organization -- there is a link to find special education attorneys and advocates throughout the U.S., informative material on state ed law and legislative updates.