Online Support Groups by Diagnosis

Please make sure to also check under "your" specific diagnosis in "Conditions and Disorders", as well as "Organizations"

Also, for more support groups, check "Support Groups > Various/By Topic")


Cerebral Palsy

Mental Health

The Hidden Children

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

An online support group for frum parents of a child with a psychiatric disorder organized by M. K., author of the article "The Hidden Children" (see article in our chizuk library).

"...I would like to invite any reader who has a child suffering from a psychiatric disorder to join our online support group.  You can drop me an email and I will invite you to the group.  You do not need to reveal your real name.  This will be a safe place for all of us to voice our deepest fears and reservations.  It is a place to share our pain, and I hope that it will also become a place to share information.  I already have a few professionals in the works who are interested in participating in our discussions..."

MSUD (Maple Syrup Urine Disease)

From their website:

The MSUD Family Support Group membership now includes families and professionals worldwide. This growing organization continues to develop resources to meet its goals of support and education. Informed families and professionals can provide better care for the child with MSUD. Treatment has improved and the future continues to brighten for these children and their families.



NF Mommies


NF Mommies is an email listserv for mothers of children with NF1.


It can be found at Google Groups, and This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



Prader Willi Syndrome



Visual Impairments

Family Connect

The American Foundation for the Blind and the National Association for Parents of Children With Visual Impairments recently launched an online multimedia support site for parents and caregivers of children with visual impairments.  It offers message boards, videos, parenting articles, a blog, a glossary of over 30 eye conditions, links to local resources, and the latest technology and educational information.




Williams Syndrome Changing Lives Foundation


Williams Syndrome Support

Facebook support group page for parents and caregivers of children with Williams Syndrome.