
718-838-3333 ext 300

5359 Kings Highway

Brooklyn, New York

Sales and rentals of equipment such as wheelchairs, home care beds (hospital beds), rollators/walkers, heavy duty compressors, chair & stair lifts, pressure support surfaces, patient aids, etc.

They also carry wound care, nutritional services, a full line of enteral formulas, feeding bags, etc.


The Medical Store



209 Chester Mall

Route 17 M

Chester, New York

(Exit 126 off NY Route 17)


Sales and rentals of both power and manual wheelchairs and other durable equipment, as well as a full line of medical supplies.


 Keene Medical Products

240 Meriden Road - PO Box 439

Lebanon, New Hampshire




Repairs of most makes of power chairs and scooters, as well as equipment rentals.