Please note:  The following is a list of specialists recommended to us by fellow Beineinu parents, listed in order of receipt.
Inclusion on this list does not constitute a recommendation by Beineinu.
Specialists may accept additional insurances other than those listed.



Dr. Michael Tobias

Dr. Avinash Mohan

Co-chiefs of department of pediatric neurosurgery


Maria Farelli Children’s Hospital (Westchester Medical)

Valhalla, NY

Specializing in epilepsy, brain tumors, spina bifida, hydrocephalus

Dr. David Harter


New York University Medical Center

317 East 34th Street

10th Floor

New York, New York   10016

Dr. Jeffrey Wisoff

Director of Division of Pediatric Neurosurgery

New York University Medial Center


Fax   212-263-8173

317 East 34th Street

New York, New York   10016

Second office:

550 1st Avenue

New York, New York   10016

Dr. Rick Abbot


Montefior Children's Hospital

Bronx, New York

Specializes in rhisotomy and other groudbreaking procedures.