Medical treatment with canibas (marijuana) is an alternative therapy that is somewhat controversial. Claims for its use include seizure relief for patients for whom traditional medications and treatments have not worked, as well as improvements to other neurological and behavioral conditions. It had been approved for use in California and Colorado, and was approved in June 2014 for some circumstances in florida. , and is awaiting approval in other states, where its use is currently illegal.

We are presenting this for informational use only.

Realm of Caring

From their website:

Realm of Caring (RoC): a non-profit organization which helps patients with debilitating conditions (such as Cancer, MS, HIV/AIDS, Epilepsy, Parkinson’s, and other debilitating conditions) through the use of concentrated medical cannabis oil (Charlotte’s Web Hemp Oil™) provided by Indispensary/Stanley family. RoC does not grow or produce any cannabis or derivative medicines; we serve to connect patients to the medicine, manage the waitlist, monitor patient progress, educate the general public about cannabis therapies, and advocate on behalf of patients who are using or who could possibly benefit from cannabis medications. Visit our website and Facebook page for more information: 

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). These products and statements are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Any and all Realm of Caring representatives, are not doctors in any way or claim to be.


Some information on Canabis from their website:



Cannabidiol (CBD): one of at least 85 cannabinoids found in cannabis. It is a major constituent of the plant, second to tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), and represents up to 40% in its extract. Compared with THC, cannabidiol is not psychoactive in healthy individuals. Read more at Wikipedia.

Cannabinoid: a class of diverse chemical compounds that activate cannabinoid receptors on cells that repress neurotransmitter release in the brain. These receptor proteins include the endocannabinoids (produced naturally in the body by humans and animals), the phytocannabinoids (found in cannabis and some other plants), and synthetic cannabinoids (produced chemically by humans). THC and CBD are the most notable cannabinoids, but there are at least 85 different cannabinoids isolated from cannabis, exhibiting varied effects. Read more at Wikipedia.

Cannabis: Scientific name for Marijuana.

Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE): manages the Medical Marijuana Registry which issues registry identification cards (Red Cards) and maintains the database of registered patients. Visit their website for more information.

Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA): United States government agency for domestic enforcement of federal drug laws.

Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV/CO): administers Colorado state driver’s licenses and IDs.

Hemp: Cannabis with very low THC content. Generally .3% of less THC is recognized as hemp.

IND: Investigational New Drug Application

MMJ: Medical Marijuana