iPad Communication: A Revolution

There are many, many resources on this page, and additional resources and recommendations for iPad apps keep pouring in. 

Please note that we have additional lists of iPad apps on our "Assistive Technology" page

Also be sure to visit our "Free iPads for Communications" page

Becoming a Hans Solo

From: NY Times


In Brooklyn, New York, a nearly paralyzed boy, who cannot talk, uses an iPad to tell his mother what he wants to be for Halloween.

And an article about this same boy -

IPad Opens World to a Disabled Boy


OWEN CAIN depends on a respirator and struggles to make even the slightest movements — he has had a debilitating motor-neuron disease since infancy.

Owen, 7, does not have the strength to maneuver a computer mouse....
Apps for Autism (Communication)
An excellent interview by CBS News (60-minutes) on how iPad apps can help reach new levels of communication never dreamed of before.

Communication program recommended by Beineinu parents:


At nearly $200, that's a lot more expensive that most iPad apps (which usually range from free to $3-4). And yet some parents have found that the Proloquo2go - very similar to the regular communciation board - has literally transformed their lives and allowed their child the freedom of quick and easy communication.

Apps for Communication: Updates & recommendations on assistive technology/apps


Free iPad app alert:


More communication apps for the iPad:

By R.Rabinowitz

turns IPad nto AAC device - some apps free, others $9.99 +


Tap to Talk: http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/taptotalk/id367083194?mt=8#


TapSpeak Buttons: http://conleysolutions.com/wordpress/?page_id=96

 (TapSpeak in the iTunes store: http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/tapspeak-button-for-ipad/id364806507?mt=8#)


Another app: http://www.scribd.com/mobile/documents/24470331

 A list of iPhone/iPad apps for AAC by "Spectronics" - http://www.spectronicsinoz.com/article/iphoneipad-apps-for-aac

(a Beineinu parent writes: 

For anyone who is literate and can type and benefits from some face to face clarification, check out verballyapp.com - it is towards bottom of the list. I downloaded it onto our iPad - it is free and has preprogrammed words and phrases (which one day user will  hopefully be able to edit) and keypad with great word prediction.  You can speak after each word and at end of sentence or just at end of sentence.)

See many more parent-recommended (free) apps here:


Autism Speaks Autism Apps Search Engine

Autism speaks has created a search engine containing listings of many of the most popular apps that member families have used with their autistic children. You can search by category, device, age of user, or other criteria.

Click on an apps name to see its detail page containing category, device, ages, cost, parent’s rating, and user comments.

You can also comment on an existing entry or send information on other apps by contacting This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Mundo Messenger Ola


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A first-of-its-kind-in-the-world application for transmitting instant messages from afar via symbols, to our children with special needs who have difficulty speaking or writing and require adaptive communication devices. The app is similar to WhatsApp using symbols. This enables communication with the children and offers them the opportunity to 'speak' with us and with the world in a way that was not possible until now. The app was published this week in Israel and can be downloaded from the Israeli AppStore only.