Disability Terminology---Kids


Courtesy of Extreme Kids & Crew


AAC/ AAC Device: Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) is an umbrella term that encompasses the communication methods used to supplement or replace speech or writing for those with impairments in the production or comprehension of spoken or written language.

AIS (Academic Intervention Services)

ARIS (Achievement Reporting and Innovation System)

ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder)/ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder): A learning disorder that makes it difficult for one to focus, control overactivity

ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder): A group of disorders that can range in symptoms, skills, and functioning levels. It can include:

  1. Autistic Disorder (Classic Autism)
  2. Asperger's Syndrome
  3. Pervasive Developmental Disorder Not Otherwise Specified (PDD-NOS)
  4. Rhett's Syndrome
  5. Childhood Communication Disorder
  6. Social Communication Disorder (SCD)

BIP (Behavior Intervention Plan)

Cerebral Palsy: a condition marked by impaired muscle coordination (spastic paralysis) and/or other disabilities, typically caused by damage to the brain before or at birth.

CFN (Children First Network)

Cognitive Disability: Describes limitations in a person's mental functioning, self-care, and/or social skills.

CSE (Committee on Special Education)

CPSE (Committee on Preschool Special Education)

DOE (Department of Education)

Diagnosis: Identifying a disease, illness, or problem by carefully examining something or someone.

EI (Early Intervention)

ELL (English Language Learner)

FAPE (Free Appropriate Public Education )

FBA (Functional Behavior Assessment)

Full-Body Input: Helps one feel regulated and aware of where one's body is in relation to gravity, walls, the ground, you name it.

ICT (Integrated Co-Teaching)

IDEA (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act )

IEP (Individualized Education Plan)

IFSP (Individualized Family Service Plan )

LD (Learning Disability)

LRE (Least Restrictive Environment )

MDR (Manifestation Determination Review)

Music Therapy: The use of music for therapeutic purposes.

Nonverbal: Inability to speak.

OPT (Office of Pupil Transportation)

Obsessiveness: Behaving in an extremely obsessive manner; moments of extreme obsession with someone or something. Becoming consumed or preoccupied with thoughts, behaviors, objects, or people. Note: sometimes intrusive quality of obsessions are beyond people's control, as with OCD. Other times, this is used to describe a symptom of ASD such as extreme interests, in which case it can be pleasurable. 

PDD-NOS: A diagnosis that is part of the Autism Spectrum; also known as Atypical Autism.

Proprioception: Knowing or sensing where one's body is in space.

RCT (Regents Competency Test)

RSA (Related Services Authorization )

SBST (School Based Support Team)

Sensory Integration Dysfunction or Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD):  An inability to properly take in and use sensory information, including the five senses (sight, hearing, smell, taste, touch) as well as proprioception, and/or vestibular sensations.

Sensory-Seeker: The act of seeking sensory stimulation or input in order to regulate issues from sensory processing issues. 

Sensory: Relating to the five senses (sight, hearing, smell, taste, touch), as well as light, pressure, spatial awareness, and temperature. 

SETTS (Special Education Teacher Support Services)

Socialization:  The act of being around and learning from and communicating with others.

Therapy: Treatment to help relieve or heal the symptoms of a disease or disorder.

Therapeutic: Of or relating to the treatment of disease or disorders.

Vestibular: Unconscious information from the inner ear about equilibrium (state of balance), gravity, movement, and changes of position in space.