Institute of Reconstructive Plastic Surgery

NYU Medical Center

New York, New York

The Institute of Reconstructive Plastic Surgery (IRPS) is housed in a state-of-the-art facility that contains 15 Centers of Excellence, faculty clinical offices and full-service outpatient operating rooms. Every member of the attending staff holds NYU School of Medicine academic appointments. The Institute conducts one of the largest plastic surgery educational programs in the world, and its research program has made major contributions in the areas of transplantation, wound healing, craniofacial biology, computer graphics and distraction osteogenesis.

Each of the Centers of Excellence is staffed with leading experts in every facial anomaly.

Embracing a team approach, specialists meet regularly to evaluate new and former patients with complex problems and formulate comprehensive treatment plans. This process saves families time and prepares our team to move forward with both insight and care.