Online Travel Resources


Disabled Online


This is a fabulous list of links to different websites and tourism agencies assisting with travel and vacation for individuals with special needs.


Flying With a Disability


From their site:

Flying with a disability need not create any hindrance to your journey. Many automatically assume that just because a person has a disability it will inevitably restrict their opportunity to travel around the world...



A great website with information on accessible adventures all over the world!

From their site:

The purpose of this site is to make adventure travel - whether for holiday, work or study - easier for people with disabilities, seniors and those with temporary limited mobility...

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Wheel the World


From their website:

Wheel the world is created by a group of Norwegian wheelchair users, who enjoy traveling the world.  We woudl like these pages to be a place where disabled travelers can share their experiences.



Disabled Travelers


From their site:

...This new site will provide you with information on businesses from around the world that specialize in disability travel...
Jeremy Rynders
19985 S. Doc Holliday Rd. (UPS, FedEx, and DHL)
P.O. Box 492 (U.S. Mail Only)
Yucca, AZ 86438



Garnet Access Project


This website promotes (and perhaps sells) quad bikes and six-wheelers, which make many trips more accessible.

From their site:

These vehicles can take you there, whatever the terrain and whatever your disability


When We Travel

When We Travel has a section with helpful tips on finding a wheelchair accessible hotel.