Visual Impairment Teleconferences


Insight Beyond Eyesight Teleconferences

845-596-3744 or 845-659-9999 registration

A conference call for frum mothers of children with visual impairments presented a few times a year. Each teleconference features a guest speaker who is either a professional or a person living with visual impairment who can provide inspiration for us all. Call for more information.


Lighthouse Guild Tele-Support Monthly Presentations

800-562-6265 information

The Lighthouse Guild is an organization dedicated to bettering the lives of individuals with vision impairment or blindness. They provide numerous services including healthcare, rehabilitation, funding, and support.

The have monthly call in presentations for parents and teens as well as a parent support e-newsletter.

For parents: Presentations are given by experts in the field of blindness and visual impairment to help you and your child. Among the many topics we cover, included are child development, education and advocacy. Register on the website.

For Teens: You may feel like your vision loss or blindness will make your adjustment to an independent life difficult. But teenagers all over the country have gone through that same adjustment successfully, and we can help you connect with them. You will have the opportunity to talk about common social, emotional, academic and practical concerns related to having vision loss. Register on the website