
From their website:

Good news... Your frustration and confusion about your child - who may have Sensory Processing Disorder - is almost over!
Finally!... A thorough explanation and a name for the behaviors and developmental concerns that exist - which seemed almost impossible to understand or cope with...

Beineinu Parents recommend:

This is a fabulous website, and has many resources and lots of information from the beginning stages of the diagnosis and symptoms checklist, to tips to helping a baby sleep, picky eaters, sensory diets and more.



Sensory Processing Disorders Resources

The Website of Auer Therapeutic Services

From their website:

...Our services support families through direct service, education, and workshops. 

...Look over the information in our website. Contact us. We’d love to hear from you. Sign up for our newsletter – it’s free and contains tips, strategies and resources to support you, and your family.

Only by sharing information and working together can we have adequate recognition and support for those impacted by SPD...

Auer Therapeutic Services

Michelle Auer, MS OTR

Phone:  720-480-4178

Email:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.