Starts and Stops

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My child rolled over first!

Now he won’t sit up!

My daughter started talking first!

Why can’t she color in the lines?

All the other kids her age

Can jump rope 20 times!

Mine can only skip twice

And then gets tangled up…

Starts & stops all through the “ages”

Cause an emotional response

Sometimes laughter, sometimes rages

Look at me! Where do I stand?

And Why?

My child hasn’t spoken for months

Now she’s babbling away

-Hashem you have my thanks!

My son has seemed,

A step behind the rest.

Now he’s playing, teasing, testing

A Gemara kup-No less!

My daughter, I was told

Would always be a little slow.

Now she’s learning above level

Her face is all aglow.

Stops and starts are many

As our children grow

We naturally compare them

To other children that we know

Our heart aches and rejoices

As we follow them along

Often unable to implement

The help for which we long

It sometimes helps to remember

That teacher that we had

“a great kid, She would say

If she would only live up to her potential…”

We’ve all had those times when

We are different or “behind”

B”H our life’s continued

And the sun remained to shine

The Stops and Starts

Will continue to prevail

And we will probably

Continue to smile or to wail

But hopefully by now

We can mange to allow

For the starts and stops to come

Without us breaking down!