By Avrohom Kirzner

Exploring the forbidden path, attempting to escape the pain

Craving the thrill of the escape, neglecting the road of healing

Chasing my thoughts, bandages of fantasies I wear

Dreams of imaginary pleasure becoming memories

A road breeding madness I run

The further I travel the madder I get

Speeding toward emptiness, ignoring the beauty beside me

Running from my pain, I run to my pain

A disabled mind at the fork in the road

No longer desiring to run, still finding myself running

Escape from escaping I know how, to implement I fail

Eery morning a new escape route, evening on my same old path

Yearning to run away from running away

Thirsting for the true road of freedom

Tired of running I hunger to return

Worn from damaging I yearn to repair

Accepting the struggle, free from the chains of perfection

Winning the war by losing battles

Never before running, always remaining close

Returning from running, drawing even closer