If You're Busy And You Know It

To the Tune of "If you're Happy and You Know It"

Dedicated to all of the wonderful multitasking special parents (Perush in italics)

By Chaya Tavin

If you're busy and you know it clap your hands

Wait, put down the phone, the cell phone , the file of paid bills to prove you paid that one for which you are trying to get reimbursed, the pile of unpaid bills to prove to dh that he needs to take a fourth job, the letter from an agency asking if your child really exists or if you made this up because you are bored, the prescriptions that can only be filled at the pharmacy that is at the other side of town and open only at the hours that you cannot possibly get there, and the letter from your "typical" child's teacher asking when you are coming in for that much needed conference about your angel's non- angelic behavior- good- now clap- if your child is medically involved you may clap to the beat of the pulse ox, if your child is ASD you may clap to the beat of his drummer- it is about time someone did and it is actually a nice beat, if your child has sensory issues, you must cover his ears before you clap and if he is hypotonic, hypertonic, or dyspraxic, you can do hand over hand to help him clap along- now wasn't that relaxing?

If you're busy and you know it clap your hands

If you're busy and you know it and you really want to show it

If you're busy and you know it clap your hands

If you're frazzled and you know it stamp your feet

This doesn't really require explanation now does it- but be careful not to do this in front of any of the 426 social workers, psychologists, case workers and others who are "there to help you" and are causing you to frazzle to begin with -they will ask you how you feel about it-but if you tell them you will be carted away- best to avoid this kind of thing

If you're frazzled and you know it stamp your feet

If you're frazzled and you know it

and you really want to show it

If you're frazzled and you know it stamp your feet

If you're frustrated and you know it spin around

Ok, this will accomplish one of two things- if you are in need of vestibular stimulation, it will provide you with some nice sensory input and allow you to focus better, thus giving you an even greater chance at successfully getting through the next two hours. Alternatively, if you are really in need of that input but haven't gotten enough of it, this may cause you to get sick- doing so in the direction of the bureaucrats who are causing the frustration to begin with may or may not help you get that authorization, but it may be the most cathartic thing you have done in a long time

If you're frustrated and you know it spin around

If you're frustrated and you know it

And you really want to show it

If you're frustrated and you know it spin around