Avichai's Story


Avichai Fund was just seven months old when his parents got the diagnosis that their first born son was seriously ill and in need of a stem cell transplant to get better. Miraculously, Ezer Mizion's Bone Marrow Donor Registry found Ziv Schwartzman, who was a perfect match.

Ziv had joined Ezer Mizion's Registry as an IDF recruit and his lab testing was sponsored by the George and Pamela Rohr Donor Pool in memory of Charlotte Rohr. Ziv, Avichai and their families met to celebrate their personal miracle a year after the successful transplant.

Ezer Mizion's Registry is the world's fourth largest Bone Marrow Registry. Located in Israel, it works with transplant centers in over 40 countries, matching patients with stem cell donors and facilitating lifesaving bone marrow transplants throughout the world. www.ezermizion.org