Machon Dvir

16 Derech Beit Lechem





Machon Dvir is an Intensive Outpatient Service in Jerusalem providing Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) in English. The Dvir Institute offers comprehensive Bio-Psycho-Social evaluation and treatment, including DBT in both group and individual settings, skills training, and medical management as required. Its highly trained, multi-disciplinary team of English-speaking psychiatrists, psychologists and social workers are among the leading exponents of DBT in Israel.


The Dvir Institute for Behavioral Health provides treatment for all aspects of emotion dysregulation, impulsive, addictive and self-harming behaviors, and dysregulated eating. Such diagnoses include (but are not limited to) borderline and dependent personality disorders, complex-PTSD, severe depression, anxiety and OCD.



Bayit Cham


Mental Health Hotline   *9518

Bayit Cham currently operates six mental health clinics throughout Israel in the following cities:
Jerusalem, Bnei Brak, Elad, Modi’in Illit, Beit Shemesh and Ashdod.

The clinics are under the supervision and guidance of Israel’s Ministry of Health and meet the highest standards.

The clinics provide comprehensive services for adults and children including:
• Counseling and guidance;
• Psychiatric care;
• Psychotherapy using different approaches: CBT, dynamic therapy and more;
• Creative Arts Therapy including art, music, psychodrama and more;
• Social services accompanying clients through the process of claiming disability rights;
• Guidance for parents;
• A variety of support groups for patients and their families.

The clinics provide services for all of Israel’s health funds (kupot cholim), Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer and other entities.

All clinics maintain the strictest standards of confidentiality.


They also operate a number of vocational rehabilitation centers for sheltered employment, transitional employment, and supported employment to promote recovery, healing, and successful integration.



It caters to young English-speaking adults, with dedicated tracks for Yeshiva and Seminary students. Members of staff work closely with many English-speaking institutions including Yeshivot, Seminaries, Kollelim and schools throughout Jerusalem.


Services also available in Beit Shemesh.